Terms and Conditions


All the services and products provided under Saleha Business Solutions are meant to be used for lawful purposes only. Any usage that violates any United States federal, state, or city law is strictly prohibited. This includes everything only using copyrighted materials or threatening or materials protected by some trade secrets. We are not responsible for the damages you suffer for violating our terms. We hold the right to change the TOS and other policies without prior notification.


• Any service interruptions or downtime due to scheduled maintenance by Saleha Business Solutions Internet or our network providers will not count towards the uptime guarantee.

• Saleha Business Solutions Internet is not liable in any way for failure of third party services (Ex. Apache down, litespeed down or any other).
• Saleha Business Solutions Internet will not be liable for failure or delay in performing its obligations if such failure or delay is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labour disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of, interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services (including DNS propagation), failure of third party software or hardware or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies or power used in or equipment needed for provision of the Services.

Inodes (File Usages) Limit

Shared Hosting:
Starter plan: 250000 Inodes, Premium plan: 270000 Inodes and Business plan: 300000 Inodes.

Reseller Hosting:
all resellers: 250000 Inodes/ cPanel

Cloud Hosting:
all Cloud hosting: 300000 Inodes

VPS Server:
All VPS or Cloud VPS: Unlimited Inodes


We strictly don’t allow any Websites or Content that promotes any illegal activity or present content that may damage our servers or any other server on the Internet. Linking such materials is also strictly prohibited. Any attempt made to undermine or cause harm to our servers is strictly prohibited, detection of such things may result in service suspension without prior notice. We hold the authority to suspend your account without refund in case we detect any such malicious activities. Server abuse includes but is not limited to the following.

A. CPU/Resource intensive Programs.

B. Denial of Service Attacks.

C. Hacking/cracking of any kind (This includes exploits).

D. Account trading.

E. Spamming.

G: Transmission, storage or distribution of any information, data, or material in violation of any law or regulation is prohibited. This included but not limited to: copyrighted material, trademarks, or any other illegal content. Examples: Movies, MP3s, Pirated Software, Hacker Programs, or Warez Sites.

H: We do not allow IRC on our VPS and Shared servers. We allow game servers on our VPS accounts however they must follow our server resource policy.

I: Warez, image/file dump, mirror, or ad services.

J: Sale of a controlled substance or online pharmacies.

K: Autosurf sites, investment sites, escrow, HYIP, bank debenture programs, or lottery sites.

L: Brute force programs, IP scanners, mail bombers, and spam scripts.

M: Personal Proxies are allowed.

Cancellation Policy

Saleha Business Solutions reserves the right to cancel any service at any time under some circumstances. If the suspension or cancellation of services is done because of policy violation, you are not eligible for a refund at any case. Customers can cancel any service at any time. But no refund will be provided if requested after 7 days of purchase (Only on Managed Web / Shared Hosting). No refunds will be provided for VPS and dedicated or custom plans.

If you cancel your account, and your payments still continue to recur for any reason such as.

1) By the mistake of Saleha Business Solutions staff.

2) By the error of the credit card processor.

3) By the error of any other payment collection company.

We are to be held free of liability for any overdraft fees that are issued by your financial institution. All the licenses provided with services and add-ons are non-refundable.


1) You can't host video, music sites.
2) You can't use our web hosting for storage.
3) You can't use our web hosting for backuping You files.
4) You can't upload multiple large files.
5) Every email account maximum storage size is 500MB.


Hosting content that promotes any adult content, Video sites & Music sites. And any racism content, it’s not limited to colour, religion, creed or any beliefs will result in immediate suspension of services. You can't use web hosting as a file hosting to store your files. We allowed cron for minimum 15min, if you use for lower then 15min then we have rights to suspend your hosting account.

Adult Content

Websites that promote adult content, pornography or sex-related content is allowed under some circumstances, contact the support team before including such content. Child pornography is strictly prohibited, in case we find any Child Pornographic content, we’ll immediately suspend your services.

Copyrighted Content

If we received any kind of copyrighted content notice by DMCA, then we will take immediate action on it and suspend your Website and account without giving you notice. If you repeat it, we will charge a fine of minimum ₹3,500 to ₹10,000 on it.

Backups and Data Policy

All our servers have backup equipment (Under managed plans). But we still can’t guarantee that all your material will be backed up. So, please take regular backups of your accounts or data. If you want special arrangements for data backups, kindly contact our support team. For managed shared hosting we have daily backups policy, and it’ll be retained for 30 days. We are not responsible for any loss of backups or data.

Spam / Mail Policy

We don’t allow spam or bulk emailing in any circumstances. You can’t use our servers or any services for bulk or unsolicited e-mails. You can send 350 messages per hour with your account. Subscribing email addresses to any mailing list without the express permission of the email address owner is prohibited. All mailing lists run on our servers must be Closed-loop (Confirmed Opt-in). User may be charged a fee for blacklist removal of ₹30,000 or more.

Data migration Policy

Saleha Business Solutions provides migration assistance for shared and managed clients. You can migrate your data quickly to our servers. You have to open a support ticket with access to the old server for migration.

Refusal of service

We reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion.


Saleha Business Solutions holds the right to changes prices, policies, and configurations of any account when needed without any prior notice.

Saleha Business Solutions expects that its customers will abide by all of our rules and all applicable laws. A subscriber’s failure to comply with those laws will violate Saleha Business Solutions policy. Finally, Saleha Business Solutions wishes to emphasize that in signing the service agreement, subscribers indemnify Saleha Business Solutions for any violation of the service agreement, law, or Saleha Business Solutions policy, that results in loss to Saleha Business Solutions or the bringing of any claim against Saleha Business Solutions by any third-party. This means that if Saleha Business Solutions issued because of a subscriber’s or customer of a subscriber’s activity, the subscriber will pay any damages awarded against Saleha Business Solutions, plus costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.

Service charges

Saleha Business Solutions holds the right to changes prices, policies, and configurations of any account when needed without any prior notice.